Accession Citations
- Allainguillaume, et al.,. 2009. Rapeseed cytoplasm gives advantage in wild relatives and complicates genetically modified crop biocontainment. Rapeseed cytoplasm gives advantage in wild relatives and complicates genetically modified crop biocontainment. Allainguillaume, 2009 Number of accession(s) cited: 8
- Bancroft, et al.,. 2011. Dissecting the genome of the polyploid crop oilseed rape by transcriptome sequencing. Dissecting the genome of the polyploid crop oilseed rape by transcriptome sequencing. Bancroft, 2011 Number of accession(s) cited: 1
- Bus, et al.,. 2012. High-throughput polymorphism detection and genotyping in Brassica napus using next-generation RAD sequencing. High-throughput polymorphism detection and genotyping in Brassica napus using next-generation RAD sequencing. Bus, 2012 Number of accession(s) cited: 1
- Haider, et al.,. 2009. Spontaneous capture of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) chloroplasts by wild B. rapa: implications for the use of chloroplast transformation for biocontainment. Spontaneous capture of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) chloroplasts by wild B. rapa: implications for the use of chloroplast transformation for biocontainment. Haider, 2009 Number of accession(s) cited: 4
- Hasan, et al.,. 2006. Analysis of genetic diversity in the Brassica napus L. gene pool using SSR markers. Analysis of genetic diversity in the Brassica napus L. gene pool using SSR markers. Hasan, 2006 Number of accession(s) cited: 21
- Luhs, et al.,. 2003. Development and evaluation of a Brassica napus core collection. Development and evaluation of a Brassica napus core collection. Luhs, 2003 Number of accession(s) cited: 21
- Nouroz, et al.,. 2015. Evolutionary genomics of miniature inverted‑repeat transposable elements (MITEs) in Brassica. Evolutionary genomics of miniature inverted‑repeat transposable elements (MITEs) in Brassica. Nouroz, 2015 Number of accession(s) cited: 1
- Nouroz, et al.,. 2015. Identification, characterization and diversification of nonautonomous hAT transposons and unknown insertions in Brassica. Identification, characterization and diversification of nonautonomous hAT transposons and unknown insertions in Brassica. Nouroz, 2015 Number of accession(s) cited: 1
- Nouroz. 2012. The Structures And Abundance Of Transposable Elements Contributing To Genome Diversity In The Diploid And Polyploid Brassica And Musa Crops. The Structures And Abundance Of Transposable Elements Contributing To Genome Diversity In The Diploid And Polyploid Brassica And Musa Crops. Nouroz, 2012 Number of accession(s) cited: 1
- Song, et al.,. 1992. Polyphyletic origins of Brassica napus: new evidence based on organelle and nuclear RFLP analyses. Polyphyletic origins of Brassica napus: new evidence based on organelle and nuclear RFLP analyses. Song, 1992 Number of accession(s) cited: 1
- Song, et al.,. 1993. Development of synthetic Brassica amphidiploids by reciprocal hybridization and comparison to natural amphidiploids. Development of synthetic Brassica amphidiploids by reciprocal hybridization and comparison to natural amphidiploids. Song, 1993 Number of accession(s) cited: 1
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